Fleeter Log #139v
Arches National Park
Day 28 - TuesdayArches National Park
May 12, 2009
61 miles
Sitting in the middle of some of the best riding country in the Southwest, the MTF riders didn't waste any time getting up this morning and scattering to the wind in search scenic nirvana. Barb and I decide to spend time locally and check out Arches National Park.
We check in at the visitor center to get ink stamps and park maps.
Park Avenue is a sandstone formation named after the big city.
However, hiking through the sandstone skyscrapers, one couldn't be more removed from the big city. There is a popular moderate-rated trail leading down through Park Avenue to the Courthouse Towers.

Next stop: Check out the rock balanced on its perch. It's been there awhile and looks like it might be there awhile longer.
Barb and I continue through the park. Every direction is a picture worthy view.
On the way out of the park, I was flagged down by a tour bus guide and asked if I could go find help. He explained that they had stopped at the Park Avenue scenic pullout and some of his "senior" tourists had opted to take the mile hike down along the Park Avenue trail to meet the bus at the Courthouse Towers. However, one elderly gentleman ran out of steam and was having trouble getting back out to the public roadway on his own. Other hikers had delivered the word that he was requesting help to come get him out. Apparently, this was not an immediate life-threatening situation, but professional rescue help was needed. I'm on it. I zoom-zoom back to the visitor center and explain the situation to the rangers in the office.
That taken care of, I head back to town in search of another ink stamp for this NPT collection. Rumor says that a stamp can be found here at the Inter-Agency Office on the southeast side of Moab. Indeed, the rumor is proven true when a very friendly ranger was more than happy to dig the stamp out of her desk drawer for me. (Canyonlands NM * Moab, UT)
Meanwhile, back at the Inn . . . The afternoon storytelling session is in full swing when a celebrity in the world of Adventure Touring, pulls into the parking lot. It's Spirit and his driver/chauffeur, Ara Gureghian. Spirit is the most well traveled canine I know and a true sweet spirit. Ara is pretty cool guy too. Check out his blog and photography: The Oasis of my Soul -- Great stuff.

Spirit in his personal chariot.

Good stuff. Moab is one of my favorite places on the planet.