Fleeter Log #139h
Standing on a Corner in Winslow AZ
2009 April 29
Day 15 - Wednesday
April 29, 2009
243 miles
Window Rock to Flagstaff
Even though I tend to shun most tourist trap type places, who can travel through the Indian Nation without stopping at least one Indian Store? This is my obligatory stop.
Inside were all type rocks for sale, most from this area, but some from across the country. I spotted a petosky stone on a shelf that is native only to the Lake Michigan shores of northern Michigan. (see the end of Fleeter Log #131).
While browsing the typical wares found in touristy places, I overheard the owner/manager speaking with a salesman. She was browsing a catalog and I overheard her ask if he had any wolf designs on a particular item as she explained to him that her customers think the wolf is very "Indian" and often asks for such. This just struck me as funny that the Indian Store orders their stock to satisfy the tourists' idea of what they think is "Indian stuff."
There were some items specifically marked as "Indian Made" and these were the items from which I made my selections. I wasn't interested in traveling to Arizona to buy something "Made in China" just because it fit my preconception of what "is Indian."

After leaving Chee's Indian Store on the Navajo Nation, I scooted about 40 miles west on I40 to the Petrified Forest National Park. This area has over 13,000 years of human history from prehistoric peoples to the early explorers and even more recent history of Route 66 as it traveled through showing more modern humans the way west from Chicago.

The Painted Desert Inn was first built in 1924 and has served as a restaurant and inn. In 2006 the renovation was complete returning it to its 1949 appearance and it currently serves the Park as a museum and bookstore.

There are many places to pull over for a better look at the Painted Desert.

A remnant of days gone by and a reminder that the original Route 66 passed this way.

Once upon a time, many, many years ago a forest grew here. All that is left are petrified logs. As the earth erodes around them, the logs are left on the surface.

I drove the 20+ mile loop of the park which put me at the park's south side exit onto US180. I then rode the few miles into Holbrook, where I took a quick look around town before jumping onto I40 to continue my way west.

Joe & Aggies Cafe is a very tempting place get a bite to eat, but I want to keep moving. Hopefully another place with such character will pop up later today when I'm hungry. I'll put this on the list for next time.

Every Eagles fan and most anyone else has heard of Winslow, Arizona.

Jackson Browne wrote the song with Glenn Frey and the Eagles sung the 1972 hit. It was on the Eagle's debut album and the first single released by the iconic band. See the eagle in the first window?

Thought I'd "take it easy" while standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona.
You'll even find the Flat Bed Ford parked near the corner.

I starting getting hungry with all that "standing on the corner" and decided to find a place before leaving town. Just a few blocks over this looked like just the ticket: the Brown Mug Cafe.

I can't stop myself. The tune is stuck in my helmet. I sing it, I whistle it. I hum it. I hear it for the next 70 miles. I call it a night at the Sleep Inn in Flagstaff, Arizona and go to sleep with the Eagles still playing in my head.
It's not just a rumor. Needles, California really can get HOT.

I starting getting hungry with all that "standing on the corner" and decided to find a place before leaving town. Just a few blocks over this looked like just the ticket: the Brown Mug Cafe.

I can't stop myself. The tune is stuck in my helmet. I sing it, I whistle it. I hum it. I hear it for the next 70 miles. I call it a night at the Sleep Inn in Flagstaff, Arizona and go to sleep with the Eagles still playing in my head.

It's not just a rumor. Needles, California really can get HOT.
Copyright 2009 Fleeter Logs
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