Road To Moonshine
April 10, 2008
Day 1Thursday
709 miles
It's Moonshine time again! While flowers are popping out all over the south, tornados spout from Texas to Tennessee, late winter storms invade the Midwest from the Canadian Rockies, and flood waters rise along all the major waterways in Central US...a group of motorcycle riders across the US and Canada hit the trail that leads to Moonshine, Illinois. By the time the riders claim their prize of a moonburger, they will be riding in temps of 30s to 40s and wiping rain, sleet and snow from their face shields. But these conditions will not come as a surprise to most of these riders, neither will it deter them. It is understood that Moonshine weekend historically provides challenging weather to the riders coming from near and far to join a few friends for a moonburger. Last year weather was in the 30s with a snow/sleet/rain mix, but that didn't stop over 400 riders from converging at the Moonshine General Store located at a small crossroads out in the fields of Illinois.
With the destination of Moonshine on my mind, I set out westward from Virginia toward Illinois. It's a good day weather-wise in the middle of the day, that is. I start out at 7am with 52 degrees in the mist and heavy fog. It turns to partly cloudy and 69 degrees as I cross West Virginia and Ohio. By the time I arrive in Casey, Illinois the local weather reports will be talking about the severe thunderstorms in the area and worsening overnight. Today's weather will be the best weather by far over my four day trip.

All went well until I reached Indianapolis. That's where I ran into cooler temps of 54 degrees and rain. While traveling around Indianapolis on loop I465, I came up on two large gravel dump trucks. Knowing that I didn't want to be following behind them... I took the first chance I saw to make a smooth and speedy pass past them. The pass was almost a clean success. When I was closing in on the left rear corner of the lead hit a bump in the road. The back gate pops and small rocks come showering out the back tailgate, bouncing like small rubber superballs. I got peppered for only a second as I completed my pass, but it only took one rock a fraction of second to pop my right turn signal lens. I'm just glad that I was almost past the back of the truck when the rocks started their attack.
If you look real close, you can see the rock is still inside the lens where it will stay until the lens is replaced. Richard, a buddy from Florida, drilled a small hole into the front lower corner of the lens to let the water drain out. I have since covered the hole with clear packing tape to keep out water from the next rainstorm. The blinker is still functioning. The RT is doing a great job -- takes a hit and keeps on going without a falter. Glad the fairing protected my hand. That rock would have left an impressive bruise if not broken bones.

The last 10 miles into Casey warmed up to 63 degrees and the rain came down heavier, but I was tracking straight and steady along the freeway. I made it to the Comfort Inn in Casey, Illinois ahead of schedule at 7:45pm.

April 11, 2008
Day 2
155 miles
Overnight brought heavy storms and emergency warnings flashing across the TV screen, but by daylight the rain was letting up. More and more riders rolled in to the parking lot throughout the morning.

We made it to Twin Cities BMW in Savoy, IL, said howdy, shopped the sale table, and headed back south to Casey for the organized supper at Richard's Farm Restaurant.

Thanks for sharing your story