Fleeter Log #129
Summer Mountain Ride in West Virginia
2008 June 19-22
The Motorcycle Touring Forum (MTF) organizes a Summer Mountain Ride (SMR) each year. It provides an opportunity for those of us who have conversed on the forum to actually meet face to face and bring another dimension to the friendships created there. The MTF has a number of these type opportunities each year to bring riders together. In July of last year I met some MTF folks in Montana for the Western Mountain Ride. This year's SMR is based in Elkins, West Virginia. There is also the Summer Mountain Rough Road Ride (SMRRR) held at the same time. The RRRiders ride the gravel and dirt roads together. The rest of us either make solo rides or informally end up in small groups if we find ourselves going the same direction about the same time. Then we usually join together for supper to visit and share stories about the day's ride or rides of yore.
Interactive map of this trip can be found here:http://jasonjonas.org/spot/tripViewer.do?id=117
This map is created by a satellite tracking device I carry while riding.
(See Fleeter Log #128 http://fleeterlogs.blogspot.com/2008/07/128-spot-me-as-i-fleeter-about.html for more details.)
Day 1, Thursday
June 19, 2008
289 miles
Walton's Mountain
Since Elkins is less than 200 miles away, I decid to take a detour and visit some VA Grand Tour stops enroute to West Virginia.
My first stop is in Schuyler, VA -- home to Earl Hamner, Jr. He is the author of the book "Spencer's Mountain" on which the TV show "The Walton's" was based. The character of John Boy was based on him and was played by Richard Thomas. The house that he grew up in is still standing though it is currently under renovation. It was recently place on the Virginia Landmark list. http://www.dhr.virginia.gov/registers/Counties/Nelson/062-0282_Hamner_House_2004_Draft_Nomination.pdf
What was surprising to me is that it is located right in the middle of town. Of course "town" consists of a post office, Ike's Market and Deli, the elementary school & museum, a newer B&B and gift shop, and a handful of other homes where three roads come together. So it's not a big place, but I just had the vision from the TV series in my mind of the long walk up the mountain. Even though the house is under renovation, you can clearly see that the size and frame of the house is very similar to the way it was recreated for TV -- the most obvious likeness are the three dormers on the second floor where, if you sit still for a minute, you can easily hear a voice call out "night Mary Ellen."
I bought one of Earl Hamner, Jr's books, "You Can't Get There From Here." Seems like a good book to read in the spirit of fleetering! The original Spencer's Mountain is not a well known place, but known to locals. It's a few miles down the road in Amherst County...if I remember correctly.
My first stop is in Schuyler, VA -- home to Earl Hamner, Jr. He is the author of the book "Spencer's Mountain" on which the TV show "The Walton's" was based. The character of John Boy was based on him and was played by Richard Thomas. The house that he grew up in is still standing though it is currently under renovation. It was recently place on the Virginia Landmark list. http://www.dhr.virginia.gov/registers/Counties/Nelson/062-0282_Hamner_House_2004_Draft_Nomination.pdf
What was surprising to me is that it is located right in the middle of town. Of course "town" consists of a post office, Ike's Market and Deli, the elementary school & museum, a newer B&B and gift shop, and a handful of other homes where three roads come together. So it's not a big place, but I just had the vision from the TV series in my mind of the long walk up the mountain. Even though the house is under renovation, you can clearly see that the size and frame of the house is very similar to the way it was recreated for TV -- the most obvious likeness are the three dormers on the second floor where, if you sit still for a minute, you can easily hear a voice call out "night Mary Ellen."
I bought one of Earl Hamner, Jr's books, "You Can't Get There From Here." Seems like a good book to read in the spirit of fleetering! The original Spencer's Mountain is not a well known place, but known to locals. It's a few miles down the road in Amherst County...if I remember correctly.

(click on any photo for larger version)
I follow the Rockfish River Road out of town --- it really does follow the Rockfish River with most every twist and turn. Seems odd to travel in areas where reality and fiction are intertwined in a way that you can easily get confused as to what was real history and what is just memories provided by Hollywood.This was the Rockfish Post Office that was in operation from 1919 to 1985.

Bridge over the Rockfish River.

Less than 7 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway on hwy 151 I travel through Nellysford, VA. This is where I find a late lunch in the form of a bbq pulled pork sandwich at the Blue Ridge Pig. It's one of those places that I see as I pass by and then I start thinking that I am getting a bit hungry, so about 1/2 a mile past I've talked myself into doing a U-turn for another look.
Not sure how "rustic" and "sophisticated" fit on the same sign...but there it is. The rest of the sign may have explained it, if it were legible.

After riding about 13 miles down the Blue Ridge Parkway, I take hwy 56 to the west toward to Vesuvius, VA. Not sure how it's pronounced... But it sounds like I want to say "Bosepheus is from Vesuvius..." and somehow make a tongue twister out of it.
The roads just kept getting better the further west I go.

Leaving Monterey, VA on US250, I ride into West Virginia and right into the dark threatening clouds of what could be a dangerous storm, especially on these twisty roads. But I guess I'm not meant to get soaked today. The storm moves to the east as I ride north. All I get is a few sprinkles and some water puddles left behind by a heavy shower that must have passed just minutes before I came through.

Day 2 Friday
June 20, 2008
292 miles
June 20, 2008
292 miles
The Lunatic Asylum
Today I head west on US119 to Weston in search of the possible place of nurse Ratchet's day job.

When the hospital was first opened for patients in 1864, it was presented as a high end resort-type facility located in the beautiful Allegheny Mountains...a place to go to rest, relax, and recuperate. It probably wasn't near as easy to get out as getting in...once you were assigned a bed! The facility was originally designed to hold only 250 patients in relative comfortable solitude. By the 1950s the facility was grossly overcrowded with over 2,400 patients housed in conditions with poor sanitation.

I leave Weston and the Lunatic Asylum behind, glad to be free to roam the roads... and continue west southwest on US119. This road shows me small towns, old barns, enough twisties to keep it interesting, and the smooth pavement makes all the better.
In one of those very small towns, I find that Chloe General Merchandise carries most anything you might need to care for your animals, feed the family, throw a party, plant a garden, etc. After taking what I thought was a good photo of the store from across the street it struck me that it would be better if I were sitting on the porch. But how to get the shot? About then a couple fellas pulled in making a beer run (at 10:30am ?!). I asked one of them if he would stand right "here" and "push" this button. Just give me enough time to get up on the porch and relaxed looking in that swing. So he did. And here it is...
I take a break to enjoy a "little" coke while sitting on the porch swing and watching the hummingbirds and gold finches at the feeders.
My main destination for the day ... Clay, West Virginia. All roads leading to Clay are twisty roads!

Using the RT as a tripod, I get the shot of the Clay post office with me in the picture and the RT in the reflection.
I take a break to enjoy a "little" coke while sitting on the porch swing and watching the hummingbirds and gold finches at the feeders.

Using the RT as a tripod, I get the shot of the Clay post office with me in the picture and the RT in the reflection.

US60 offers some nice views and a couple good twists between Gauley Bridge and Hawks Nest State Park. The sport bike riders seem familiar with the road... a few of them pass by me while out "working the twisties"!

View of the New River from Hawks Nest.
I finish the day by connecting back to US250 and completing my loop back to Elkins.
For supper, I join over 30 MTF friends in the non-morgue steakhouse in the basement of the Days Inn. No matter the location...the food was good and the service was excellent. After our meal, some of us find ourselves at the emergency entrance back patio to "gather around the ice chest" and continue to tell tales until close to midnight.
For supper, I join over 30 MTF friends in the non-morgue steakhouse in the basement of the Days Inn. No matter the location...the food was good and the service was excellent. After our meal, some of us find ourselves at the emergency entrance back patio to "gather around the ice chest" and continue to tell tales until close to midnight.
Day 3, Saturday
June 21, 2008
155 miles
June 21, 2008
155 miles
Spruce Knob
During supper last night while chatting with Greg and Pat, we realize that we are planning to ride the same roads today ... so we made plans to meet in the parking lot this morning. Before we pulled out of the parking lot, we grew by two more bikes. Our group today will include the RT, a yellow Goldwing and two VStroms.

The next time our wheels ped was to enjoy the views at Blackwater Falls State Park near Davis, WV. http://www.blackwaterfalls.com/

Davis is a cute little mountain tourist town.

Seneca Rocks is next in our sights. Here you see the mammoth rock rising up straight ahead.

If you have really good eyesight, you can see people climbing the face of the rock. We used binoculars. They're there -- lots of them. Like little ants ...Me, Pat, Greg, and Rick with Seneca Rocks in the background.

While at Seneca Rocks, we decide a stop to eat was in order so Rick takes the lead and we follow to the Gateway Cafe in Riverton, WV.
Be aware that Timing the Weather is a very complicated skill. We pull into the Cafe's parking lot just as it starts to rain. We sit inside watching through the windows as the rain pours down. A second wave of heavy weather hits just as our plates were cleared...so obviously, this means... Time for Dessert! So I ordered home-made PIE! When we are done with dessert, the rain stops. Such good timing!
At this juncture, Greg & Pat split off and go in search of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank. Rick, Rob, and I head up the mountain to Spruce Knob about 12 miles away. The road starts out nicely paved, but about halfway up it turns to dirt. Now don't forget all that rain that fell while we ate pie...
This photo shows the gravel/red dirt road with water-filled pot holes. I was safely cradled between two VStroms. I say safe...meaning that if I did dump the RT, I had two VStrom riders to help me pick it up! They kept a close eye on me, but I managed to make it to the top and back down again while keeping the RT upright on two wheels the whole way. Even when it started raining again on the way back down, the dirt/gravel road really wasn't bad. It's just the red dirt that you have to be careful with when it gets wet -- "red slime" I think is what Rob called it. Closer to the top there are some washboard sections that can give you a good rattle, but all in all, the view is worth the ride up. Just be careful if it's wet.

While at Seneca Rocks, we decide a stop to eat was in order so Rick takes the lead and we follow to the Gateway Cafe in Riverton, WV.
Be aware that Timing the Weather is a very complicated skill. We pull into the Cafe's parking lot just as it starts to rain. We sit inside watching through the windows as the rain pours down. A second wave of heavy weather hits just as our plates were cleared...so obviously, this means... Time for Dessert! So I ordered home-made PIE! When we are done with dessert, the rain stops. Such good timing!
At this juncture, Greg & Pat split off and go in search of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank. Rick, Rob, and I head up the mountain to Spruce Knob about 12 miles away. The road starts out nicely paved, but about halfway up it turns to dirt. Now don't forget all that rain that fell while we ate pie...
This photo shows the gravel/red dirt road with water-filled pot holes. I was safely cradled between two VStroms. I say safe...meaning that if I did dump the RT, I had two VStrom riders to help me pick it up! They kept a close eye on me, but I managed to make it to the top and back down again while keeping the RT upright on two wheels the whole way. Even when it started raining again on the way back down, the dirt/gravel road really wasn't bad. It's just the red dirt that you have to be careful with when it gets wet -- "red slime" I think is what Rob called it. Closer to the top there are some washboard sections that can give you a good rattle, but all in all, the view is worth the ride up. Just be careful if it's wet.
The walking path to the Spruce Knob observation tower.

Rick and Rob on the top of Spruce Knob -- the highest point in West Virginia at 4,863 feet. And just that much closer to the storm...

I snapped this photo while riding on the short bit of smooth pavement at the top of Spruce Knob.
Rob riding into the storm on his VStrom. This is my favorite photo of the day.
(click on any photo for larger version)
Where the pavement ends, and the dirt begins... Sounds like George singing in my ear.
The RT cradled between two VStroms. Just as am taking these pictures, it starts raining again. Since we haven't reached the paved section on the lower part of the mountain, we make quick order of saddling up and getting a move on!

Where the pavement ends, and the dirt begins... Sounds like George singing in my ear.

Heading back to Elkins.
Rob in front of me...

Rick behind me... Hi Rick.

Day 4, Sunday
June 22, 2008
237 miles
June 22, 2008
237 miles
Turbines, Chapel, and Mail Office
Most all the other MTF folks had already cleared the city limits Sunday morning by the time I leisurely make my way through downtown Elkins as I head for home. Here is the old Elkins Train Depot...still selling tickets for a ride on the train.

The Seneca Trail --The Great Indian Warpath -- led from Upstate New York to Georgia. In this area of West Virginia, the Path is known as the Seneca Trail and follows US219 along this section on the Allegheny Mountains.

Still running up US219, I come across the smallest church in 48 states. The church building was built in 1958 by the children of Mr. & Mrs. P.L.Milkint in memory of their parents.

This small mailing office is located just behind the church building.
Silver Lake, WV is less than a mile from the Maryland state line.

Not sure what the story is behind this. But I'm sure I had crossed back into West Virginia when I came across it.

Winchester Cold Storage Co.

(click on any photo for larger version)
Below is the route of this four day ride.

Total trip time: 4 daysMoney spent on fuel : $70.22
States fleetered in this trip: 3
Interactive map of this trip can be found here:
This map is created by a satellite tracking device (SPOT) that I carry while riding.
This map is created by a satellite tracking device (SPOT) that I carry while riding.
(See Fleeter Log #128 http://fleeterlogs.blogspot.com/2008/07/128-spot-me-as-i-fleeter-about.html for more details.)
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